The Seventh Circuit recently addressed an interesting issue regarding the types of appeals permitted by Rule 23(f). In Matz v. Household International Tax Reduction Investment Plan, No. 12-8010, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 14771 (7th Cir. July 19, 2012), the district court had modified a previously-certified class to eliminate between 57% and 71% of the
Insights from DRI Class Action Seminar – Part Two
By Wystan Ackerman on
Posted in Seminars/Programs
Here is part two of my takeaways from the seminar. I’ll focus here on appeals under Rule 23(f) and CAFA, the new ALI Principles of the Law of Aggregate Litigation, and federal constitutional issues in state court class actions.
- Rule 23(f) and CAFA Appeals: Judge Southwick of the Fifth Circuit made some helpful suggestions