If you read this blog, you have an interest in the very exciting subject of class actions against insurance companies. Either that or, more likely, it’s useful to your job to read the blog. If you have some downtime as the Summer winds down, and actually feel like reading even more about class actions, I’ve

I recently published an article in the ABA Corporate Counsel newsletter, entitled “Strategies for Removal Under the Class Action Fairness Act.”  It is intended to serve as a quick guide to removal under the Class Action Fairness Act and addresses the key recent decisions, although it does not attempt to cover the entire

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) recently published a paper on the topic of third-party litigation funding (pdf), advocating for legislation restricting its use.  Third-party litigation funding, as the term suggests, involves a third party investor providing funding to help finance the cost of litigation, typically in exchange for a share of the

Readers of my blog may be interested to know that I recently published an article entitled “Defending Class Actions on Coverage Issues” in For the Defense, a publication of the Defense Research Institute.  The article discusses pros and cons of various strategies for defending insurance coverage class actions, including: (1) seeking resolution of a