I know what you’re thinking if you’re a regular reader of this blog. I just wrote a blog post last week about an article I co-authored in the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal covering recent developments in insurance class actions. I don’t mean to overly promote my own articles one after another, but I also just published a piece in the Defense Research Institute’s For the Defense magazine entitled “Recent Developments in Insurance Class Actions.pdf.” I wrote the articles months apart. It’s just a coincidence that they both happened to come out around the same time. This second piece has a different focus, discussing the impact that Wal-Mart v. Dukes has had in insurance cases, the impact of AT&T v. Concepcion, and recent developments under the Class Action Fairness Act. DRI has been kind enough to allow me to republish my article here. If you have any thoughts, comments or even criticism of these articles, please e-mail me.